

The service provider generates an 80-bit secret key for each user (whereas RFC 4226 §4 requires 128 bits and recommends 160 bits). This is provided as a 16, 26 or 32 character base32 string or as a QR code. The client creates an HMAC-SHA1 using this secret key. The message that is HMAC-ed can be:

the number of 30-second periods having elapsed since the Unix epoch (TOTP); or the counter that is incremented with each new code (HOTP). A portion of the HMAC is extracted and converted to a six-digit code.


function GoogleAuthenticatorCode(string secret)
    key := 5B5E7MMX344QRHYO
    message := floor(current Unix time / 30)
    hash := HMAC-SHA1(key, message)
    offset := last nibble of hash
    truncatedHash := hash[offset..offset+3]  //4 bytes starting at the offset
    Set the first bit of truncatedHash to zero  //remove the most significant bit
    code := truncatedHash mod 1000000
    pad code with 0 from the left until length of code is 6
    return code

OTP Algorithm Steps


import pyotp

totp = pyotp.TOTP("JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP")
print("Current OTP:", totp.now())

# OTP verified for current time
totp.verify('118427') # => False

uri = pyotp.totp.TOTP('JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP').provisioning_uri("[email protected]", issuer_name="PyOTP")


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <canvas id="qr"></canvas>
    <script src="qrious.min.js"></script>
      (function() {
        var qr = new QRious({
          element: document.getElementById('qr'),
          value: 'otpauth://totp/PyOTP:wanglifeng%40example.com?secret=JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP&issuer=PyOTP',
          size: 400


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Authenticator
  2. https://www.jianshu.com/p/a7b900e8e50a
  3. https://github.com/neocotic/qrious